Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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"I don't care if you're the Easter bunny. You're not bringing this
[knife] on the station."
-- Garibaldi to an alien pilgrim, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"I'm thinking of thinking of calling her right after my afternoon nap.
I'm thinking of thinking of sending her flowers right after Bonnie gets back.
So many fishes left in the sea.
So many fishies, but noone for meeeee...
I'm thinking of thinking of hooking a love soon after supper is done."
-- G'Kar's song, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Yeah? Tell you what. I'll tie this to a magnetic grapple, stick it on
the station's hull, and point you to the nearest airlock. If you can go
after it without a breather unit, you can have it."
-- Garibaldi, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"You're testing my patience. Now move on, before I decide to flunk out."
-- Garibaldi, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"As bright ideas go, this one's right up there with having my gums
-- Garibaldi, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"This is Ambassador G'Kar's quarters. This is Ambassador G'Kar's table.
This is Ambassador G'Kar's dinner. Which part of this progression escapes
-- G'Kar to Tu'Pari, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"What happened to the Xon?"
"Dead, all of them and good riddance. Do you know what the last Xon said,
just before he died? (clutches chest) Aaargh!"
-- Garibaldi and Londo, "The Parliament of Dreams"
Retribution is also expensive. Properly executed, it would leave me
penniless. But I am a patient man. I have lived well, and now I will die
well. I have ordered my considerable assets liquidated upon my death.
The funds will be given to someone eminently qualified to kill you."
-- Du'Rog, to G'Kar, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Oh, come on, Commander! Loosen up!"
-- Londo, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"In a world where every day is a struggle for survival, you need all the
gods you can get."
-- Londo, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Gods by the bushel! Gods by the pound! Gods for all occasions!"
-- Londo, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"(to Delenn) Have I ever told you that you are very cute, for a Minbari?
(To Garibaldi) And you are cute too, in an annoying sort of way.
(singsongs) Everybody's cute! Everybody's cute! Even me. But in
purple... I'm stunning! (collapses on table)"
-- Londo, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"He has become one with his inner self!"
'He passed out.'
"That too."
-- Vir and Garibaldi (re: Londo), "The Parliament of Dreams"
"I don't mean to alarm you, but your pants are talking to you."
'I know. I was just, uh...'
"Yes, you're a very busy man. Well, I'll let you and your pants get back
to business and I'll get back to mine."
-- Catherine Sakai and Sinclair, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"What would you say if I told you that Councilor Du'Rog had hired someone
to kill me? Someone close to me?"
'Ambassador, with all due respect, if it *were* me, you wouldn't be here
for us to have this conversation.'
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Ambassador, it is not my place to speculate on how *anything* gets into
your bed."
-- Na'Toth (to G'Kar), "The Parliament of Dreams"
"I fight my own battles!"
-- G'Kar, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Earthers have a phrase: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
I think they stole it from us."
-- G'Kar, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"I cannot have an aide who will not look up. You will be forever walking
into things."
-- Delenn (to Lennier), "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Understanding is not required, only obedience."
-- Lennier (to Delenn), "The Parliament of Dreams"
"And just let me say, Ambassador, from the bottom of my heart: Hot pink
is *definitely* your color."
-- Garibaldi (to G'Kar), "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Don't touch me unless you mean it!"
-- Catherine Sakai (to Sinclair), "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Then do this in testimony to the one who will follow, who will bring
death couched in the promise of new life, and renewal disguised as
-- Delenn, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"That hurt."
'Ambassador, it was the only way to disable the pain-givers. I had to hit
them as hard as possible, as often as possible and still make it appear
as though that I were beating you into another incarnation.'
"And you didn't enjoy it in the least."
'I didn't say that.'
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"With luck, they may never find you, but if they do, you will know pain..."
'...and you will know fear...'
"...and then you will die. Have a pleasant flight."
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth (to Tu'Pari), "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Oh, it's a rebirth ceremony, all right. It also doubles as a marriage
ceremony. Depending on how seriously anyone took it, somebody got
married the other day."
'Maybe that's why G'Kar was smiling. Funny. I didn't think Londo was
his type.'
-- Sakai and Sinclair, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"See you next Wednesday."
-- Sinclair, "The Parliament of Dreams"
"Will you follow me into fire, into storm, into darkness, into death?
And the Nine said yes. Then do this in testimony to the one who will
follow, who will bring death couched in the promise of new life and
renewal disguised as defeat.
From birth through death and renewal, you must put aside old things,
old fears, old lives. This is your death, the death of flesh, the death
of pain, the death of yesterday. Taste of it and be not afraid for I am
with you to the end of time. Taste of it.
And so it begins."
-- Delenn, "The Parliament of Dreams"